The Preferred Massage Therapist Near You
The Preferred Massage Therapist Near You
Looking for a masseuse with long years of practicing sports massage therapies in San Diego, CA? Want to trust a professional who knows the ins and outs of a wide variety of treatments? Stay on this page to find out what makes Relax Studio Massage the place where locals choose to relax and take care of their well-being.

My Story
In 2010 I left my city in Russia to come to the United States without speaking even a word of English. Nonetheless, I attended months of massage therapist courses in Russia. Moreover, I also frequented kinesiology and anatomy courses for five years. I am a certified Holistic Practitioner that knows how to make even the most intense body at ease.
I have used the knowledge gained from these courses during my time as a massage therapist in San Diego, CA. Because of that, I am able to understand my clients better because I have knowledge of the issues they claim to be bothered by. Whenever my client might point at their arm and say, “This hurts,” I not only know the name of the muscle to which they are referring to but also what can cause that body irritation and how to fix it.
For instance, my first client here was a Russian physicist. He was a humongous man, and during his massage I noticed he had bruising around his kidney. I asked him after our session if he was aware of the marks, and he said he was not, but that his kidney’s had been giving him some trouble for about a year. The gentleman continued to purchases messages, and after two weeks the bruises had disappeared and his kidneys were no longer hurting him. He assured me that he had not taken any other medical measures to get rid of them other than my messages. I had healed him.

My Mission
I have decided to spend my time healing people because I know what it’s like to be broken myself. I was completely paralyzed for almost 3 months after a car accident. I worked alongside encouraging, intelligent people who helped me see the importance of staying positive and keeping with your fitness goals. I worked my way back into shape thanks to them.
All I want from Relax Studio Massage is to provide the same healing I received to those who need it.
By providing a professional deep tissue and sports massage, as well as many more treatments, I am here to help the tired and the sore. Call (760) 637-4134 and get back on your feet so that you can pursue your dreams just as I have. Thank you for visiting my website and I look forward to meeting you.